
The current sermon series at church is 'Enough,' so I thought this song would be appropriate to share today. God does supply everything we need. We are blessed so that we can bless others. So think about ways that you can share all of your gifts with other. Gifts of time, talents, and treasures. For treasures are temporary and fleeting. When we leave this world for the next we cannot take our accumulations with us, we go ahead without them. Don't let your treasures define who you are or who you want to be, unless your treasure is God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth. Today a friend told me how she looks at tithes: God has given us everything we have and He lets us keep 90% of what is His! So really, who's getting the better end of the deal! Give of yourself and you will be richly blessed!

All of You is more than enough for all of me
For every thirst and every need
You satisfy me with Your love
And all I have in You is more than enough

You are my supply
My breath of life
And still more awesome than I know
You are my reward
worth living for
And still more awesome than I know

All of You is more than enough for all of me
For every thirst and every need
You satisfy me with Your love
And all I have in You is more than enough

You’re my sacrifice
Of greatest price
And still more awesome than I know
You’re the coming King
You are everything
And still more awesome than I know

More than all I want
More than all I need
You are more than enough for me
More than all I know
More than all I can say
You are more than enough for me

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Bittersweet day

So, no Tulsa trip this weekend because Old Man Winter decided otherwise. Rain followed by snow throughout podunk Oklahoma is not great for driving conditions. So I looked on the sub website for jobs and found one for high school science. Not just high school science, but high school biology! So I get to teach what I hope to be teaching for the rest of my life tomorrow! Wish me luck!

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The still on the edge of the canyon.

Today my devotional was about Psalm 23:2, and I was thinking about where my green pastures and still waters are. For me, it's sitting with my legs dangling of the cliff walls of Palo Duro Canyon looking down into Ceta Glen Church Camp-the place where so often I discovered pieces of my heart. Every summer for 12 years I would spend at least one week at my beloved church camp worshiping the Lord in one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. It is hard to not see God as an amazing artist when visiting.

Inevitably we would hike to the lit cross at least 2-3 times during the week, but that's not my special place. My special place was sitting next the old wooden cross. We didn't go there often, but every time that we did was a time for spiritual reflection. I remember the soft breeze that caressed my cheek and held me in its warm embrace. I felt completely safe and completely in awe. There never will be another place like my seat on the edge of the canyon rim.

I think there is a metaphor in that cliff. When I was sitting on the edge of disaster I never feared that I was in danger. I felt comforted in God's beauty and imagination, despite the 200 foot drop into the deep ravine. It's like life is the canyon below and God is the cliff above. If we trust in Him and let Him hold us, we are completely safe. But there are hills and mountains that we must climb to get to our destination. Those mountains are so worth it! Nothing can touch you in that moment when God's arms are wrapped fully around you.

It has been four years since I was physically sitting in my favorite spot, but I revisit it in my heart and mind much more frequently. Every time I was in yoga class and the instructor told us to picture the place where we were calmest and most at rest, it was the canyon's edge on the verge of disaster that I always pictured. Today as I'm feeling a little uneasy I picture myself on that cliff, in God's warm embrace. I am comforted to know that God is with me here in my heart. He leadeth me to green pastures, even when I don't want to take a break from my life. He maketh me lie down near quiet streams. He knows what I need so much better than I know myself.

So today, I am on my canyon's edge not waiting patiently or impatiently for anything, just resting in my loving Lord's arms.

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Life seems to be coming together!

So, I realize I dropped the ball on the whole keeping you (my one follower) updated on my life status. Quite a bit has happened since I last blogged. Here it goes. Last Thursday, I had 0 official jobs. Last Friday, I had 3! HA! When it rains it pours. The three infamous jobs are:

1. College Station ISD Substitute
2. College Station Middle School Tutor
3. Covenant Presbyterian College/Youth/Children Intern (I like to call it the future generations ministries)

Today I begin my tutoring position and next week I'll begin subbing and work at the church. I'm unsure what exactly my job at the church will require, but I am excited! It's kind of great to be getting paid for what I've been doing for several years now! Paid to be a church...almost seems wrong...almost.

I still have no idea what my life holds after May, but that will come with patience and time. I have been trying to let go of my stress and anxiety about the whole situation and my life has suddenly gotten brighter. Coincidence?-I think not!

So for today, I am patiently waiting for what is next and looking forward to what happens today!

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