New Title

As I watch the days quickly tick by I realize I need to either figure out a new title for my blog or decide if I'll continue to blog at all. Please post suggestions.

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Unknown said...

For my biology teaching daughter:

Life dissected!

Zara said...

Please keep blogging. Why do you need a new title? What about "New Directions," the glee club's name on Glee? :) It's not only a reference to an amazing, musical show, it's a telling promise for your life, eh? eh?

Unknown said...

Continue to blog! I want to read about the days to come in school where you are like Mrs. Frizzle!

Suzy said...

New Chapter in your life, New Blog, New Beginning, New Journey. Yes - keep blogging. Believe me - your students will provide you with an endless source of material and prayers.

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